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Esta mascarilla esta elaborada a base de proteinas y aceite de castor, para reparar la fibra capilar que ya esta estropeada y gastada por el uso de los quimicos, devuelve al cabello su vigor, suavidad y brillo natural a traves de los depositos de colageno.
Modo de uso: con el cabello limpio y humedo, aplique por toda la cabellera con la ayuda de unos masajes, dejar por 5 minutos y retirar con abundante agua.
By adding additional sections to your product page you can add more context and information about your company. Use additional sections to cross promote other products and collections.
Add text with images to give and content and editorial feel. Drive traffic to key areas of your store
Add text with images to give and content and editorial feel. Drive traffic to key areas of your store
Add text with images to give and content and editorial feel. Drive traffic to key areas of your store
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