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El shock de keratina simone es un producto desarrollado para rellenar y nutrir la hebra capilar con la keratina. A su vez, contribuye a laciar el cabello de manera progresiva y proporciona brillo y suavidad al cabello maltratado, poroso o deshidratado.
Modo de uso: aplique uniformemente en todo el cabello mojado o seco, sin retirartlo , y proceder a peinar o secar.
By adding additional sections to your product page you can add more context and information about your company. Use additional sections to cross promote other products and collections.
Add text with images to give and content and editorial feel. Drive traffic to key areas of your store
Add text with images to give and content and editorial feel. Drive traffic to key areas of your store
Add text with images to give and content and editorial feel. Drive traffic to key areas of your store
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